Smarthome services

Are you looking to improve your homes functionality and comfort, making it a more enjoyable place for you and your guests to stay.
Look no further than A&K Improvement! 
Our smarthome expert can help you transform your home into a modern, secure and comfortable home. 
Comfort functions can be light that turns on automaticly when there are people in a room or zone, and turns off after a given time, reducing energy costs.
It can also adapt the light color and intensity to the time of day, the current light in a room, or your mood.
What about just say - "Alexa, I'm going out", when you are leaving your home, and be sure that every light, appliances and sound devices are turned off?
Or would you like to turn on the aircondition half an hour before you leave the beach, so your home have the right temperature when you come home.
To make your home more secure, you can install smartlocks, sensors and videocamera's, that are controlled and operated from your smartphone.
Contact us today and let us help you make it a reality!

Typical tasks that we can assist you with.

         Smarthome design
  • Visit your home to do an assessment of status and possibilities
  • Define wanted features and functions
  • Help you choose technology
  • Help you choose type of devices
  • Make "shoping-list" for devices
  • Make a design-document
  • Deliver our project management services
         After project is finished
  • Make reference case
  • Do adjustments in configuration of features and functions to adapt to new/changed needs.
  • Implementing new product features that are published by the manufacturer