Interior design and homestyling


A home stylist's task is to prepare your home for sale. They are the ones who help you and arrange for the home to be ready for the photographer's arrival. A good prospect is important to show the home from its best side. It should show furnishing options, as well as be light and airy, but most importantly: invite the potential buyers to begin a dream of a new home. A good home stylist ensures more stakeholders which in turn can lead to more bidders and a higher selling price. It is therefore the case that hiring a home stylist does not increase the value of your home, but can in many cases increase the sum you are left with after the sale.

We humans act a lot with emotions and not always with logic. A good home stylist manages to arouse the emotions of those who see the prospect and thus increases their interest in coming to a viewing. It is therefore important that the home is cleared of superfluous things, remove all personal photos and possessions and then decorate in a way that is neutral but at the same time atmospheric. This is important as the aim is for the potential buyers not to get hung up on who has lived there, but to be able to start seeing their own home, where they want to live.

Most people see a property for the first time in an advertisement. The first impression is very important and therefore it is important that everything is as perfect as possible. Good pictures also ensure that more people want to come to a viewing, which in turn can lead to faster sales. 


When you decide to sell your home, it is a home to be sold. In this process, it is important that your home is presented as a new home to the buyers. It is difficult to see one's own home with a new and neutral eye. Know what should be removed, cleared away and possibly acquired. Most people find it difficult to decorate with cushions and decorations and to see color combinations. In addition, it is expensive to buy things. It may therefore be wise, both in terms of time, finances and knowledge, to bring in a stylist. It is their job to see the room and to create the good feelings in the picture. They help you to clean the home down to the most essential and then rebuild it with what is needed to give the photographer the basis for taking great photos. A home stylist's job can be challenging at times, we have to be brutally honest, but it's never a personal attack on the people who live there or the item we say doesn't fit. Many people have a close and dear relationship with their home and we must respect that. At the same time, our job is to help you as a seller to get a good sale. A residential stylist offers several different types of services as different clients have different needs.


Guidance: This is for you who initially do not need too much help and who are relatively confident that you will be able to carry out a part yourself. The stylist will go through the home with you and tell you what you should remove and what you should prepare for the photo.

Partial styling: A partial styling is suitable for those who have large pieces of furniture such as sofas, dining tables, beds, etc., but lack the details. These include cushions, plants, lamps, carpets and so on. In this case, the stylist will come to your home for an inspection and tell you/give you a list afterwards of things that should be cleared away and possibly moved before the stylist returns with his things and styles the home ready for photography.

Full styling: This is a full styling of a completely empty home. Here, the stylist will bring all large furniture and decorate down to the smallest detail. Common to the services above is that the stylist will also be able to help you choose colors if you are going to paint and in most cases they will also be able to make suggestions if there are other larger things that should be fixed. 



What is the role in interior designer?

Meeting clients to discuss their requirements and ideas.Develop designs to suit clients' needs, their budget, and the type of building. prepare initial sketches and mood boards for the client to approve. advise on use of space, color schemes, fabrics, fittings and furniture.

An interior designer assist you in choosing flooring, wall coverings, counter tops, and other elements that bring your design to life. Their expertise in material quality, durability, safety and aesthetic considerations means that you can have peace of mind in the finish.

The designer will want to get to know about your lifestyle, who lives in the space and how you all like to live. Knowing your expectation for a timeline is also important. The earlier in the process you bring on an interior designer the better as many great things in a good design can take longer than expected.

Our philosophy and mantra is that we want to create your home - together with you. That is why we think it is important that you know how it will take place.   We are not going to create a finished proposal and then present this to you. Our process is more about having an interaction and inclusive collaboration with you. All inspections in Marbella area are carried out as a home visit. All conversations after this take place online.


 The first meeting is important for both of us, it is important to have good chemistry and feel we are aligned. During an inspection, we will collect the necessary information, review a needs analysis and talk about what you expect and want from results and how much you want to be actively involved. 

 After the inspection, you will be sent an offer with a tailored price and also a progress plan with when the various steps in the project are to be completed and a proposal for a follow-up meeting. Having a clear and defined process is an important factor for a successful result.

MOOD BOARD: This is a great tool and starting point for a project to show colors, materials, mood and inspiration. This is where the first and biggest changes are made. We have our first 30 minute online meeting

FURTHER DELIVERY OF THE PROJECT:  After this will deliver the various documents that come with the size of your package, as well as have online meetings and audits of delivery that are also included in your package.

FINAL MEETING:  All projects end with a final online meeting or face to face, up to 60 minutes, with a full review of the overall project. 
A&K Improvement Services SL, Anita Johansen March 4, 2024
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